Kevin Buckley

St. Louis native Kevin Buckley is a critically acclaimed multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter and producer. Raised playing Irish Traditional fiddle music, Buckley toured and competed nationally and internationally, earning many winning titles and establishing himself as a key proponent of the Irish-American music scene. During these formative years, Buckley acquired a 4 track cassette recorder and also began performing with garage rock, country and swing bands on a wide range of string instruments. By the mid-2000’s, Buckley had come to produce a large body of original work via the now electrified band, Grace Basement, gaining international notice for his songwriting and record production. The musical journey still continues to this day. For some, versatility is a survival mode, but for Buckley it is a way of life and an opportunity to work with many wonderful people.


Louise Bichan


David Munnelly